
Keep Your Fish Healthy with Our Fish Medicine and Healthcare Products

Address Fish Diseases Promptly with Effective Fish Medicine and Healthcare Products

A serene and visually appealing aquarium is a delightful addition to your home's décor. However, there may come a time when you face challenges such as fish diseases. Factors such as poor water quality, excessive decomposing matter, or fish with pre-existing infections or injuries can lead to fish fungus and bacteria in your aquarium. It's crucial to address these issues promptly with effective fish medicine and healthcare products.

Treat Various Fish Diseases with All-in-One Bacterial and Fungus Treatment

All-in-One Bacterial and Fungus Treatment is an excellent solution to treat and prevent various fish diseases, including ick, mouth and fin rot, flukes, and ulcers. Its powerful oxidising action destroys microorganisms, and it can also serve as a preventative measure when introducing new fish to your tank. For Betta fish suffering from ulcers, mouth fungus, or fin and tail rot, consider using API Bettafix Natural Healing. This natural antibacterial remedy, made with healing Melaleuca (a type of Tea Tree), helps heal wounds and repair tissue damage.

Heal Betta Fish with API Bettafix Natural Healing

Bear in mind that tanks with recurring fish diseases may require a thorough examination for tank hygiene, filtration, and water quality. A healthy tank typically has fewer fish fungus issues, eliminating the need for frequent fish fungus treatment. To further enhance tank cleanliness, consider using fish water care treatments and ensure you have the appropriate fish tank filters in place. Clean water is the foundation for providing your fish with a comfortable and healthy home.

Maintain a Healthy Tank with Proper Filtration and Water Care Treatments

Whether you're looking for fish food, fish tank accessories, or other fish supplies, The Pets Club's online pet store is your one-stop-shop for fantastic deals on all your aquarium needs.

Showing 13–20 of 20 results

Horizone Eagle Betta Plus - 3X100ML

Horizone Eagle Betta Plus - 3X100ML Eagle Betta Plus is a best class granulated food made from selected and carefully processed ingredients. All natural ingredients to make the betta fish to...

Horizone Eagle Arowana Babies - 3X100ML

Horizone Eagle Arowana Babies - 3X100ML Eagle arowana food is an optimality balanced nutrient mix that helps maximize growth. These are extremely flavourful and colour enhancing diet. The astaxanthine is added...

Sera Plant Care Floredepot

A good basis for successful plant care sera floredepot is placed underneath the actual bottom ground (sand, gravel) when setting up the aquarium. The balanced blend of sand, peat, essential nutrients...

Dymax Anti-white Spot -300ml

Specifically formulated to treat white spot disease, a most common parasitic disease that is damaging to the fish and can cause breathing and mobility problems and even death. This solution also...

Sera Spirulina Tabs

24 Tabl Attaching tablets with 24% spirulina for healthy digestion and liveliness sera Spirulina Tabs Nature is the veggie food without dyes and preservatives consisting of attaching tablets. It is excellently suitable...

Ada Green Brighty Mineral

Ada Green Brighty Mineral Green Brighty Mineral is a liquid fertilizer supplying trace elements to planted aquarium. Insufficient trace elements affects the formation of new buds and pigment synthesis of aquatic...

Ada Green Bacter Plus - 50ml

Ada Green Bacter Plus GREEN BACTER PLUS is a plant supplement, primarily composed of plant organic acids that feed beneficial bacteria in aquariums and filters, and contains minerals which help stimulate...

Ada Dooa Wabi-kusa Mist - 200ml

Introducing the Ada Dooa Wabi-kusa Mist, a premium foliar spray nutrient designed to boost the growth and color of aquatic plants growing on Wabi-Kusa Walls. This product has been formulated to...