If this is your first visit to thepetsclub.ae, start by selecting the products you are interested in and adding them to your cart. Once you have everything you need, you can proceed to checkout by selecting the checkout button. You will then be taken to the checkout page where you will be asked to sign in. Click on Create account and complete your details such as name, address, contact number etc. You will then get an activation link on email. Once this is completed, you will be asked to select your payment method and accept our terms & conditions before proceeding to final checkout. Account creation and the activation is only required the first time you create your account.
Sometimes we do run out of stock even of the most popular items and we have to wait for our suppliers to deliver them. We will always either notify you online if a product is out of stock or remove them completely if they will take longer to come back in stock. If you have any questions, please leave a message on WhatsApp 050-2974489 or email [email protected]
Please message on WhatsApp 050-2974489 or use our online support Chat option. There may be an error in the system that needs our attention.
Yes, we often run promotions and competitions where you can win prizes or get discounts on certain products. Follow us on social media and register for our newsletter to stay updated on all our news and offers.
Please check out the Sales & Combo section where we always offer special deals on a variety of products.
Soon we will be launching a loyalty program to get points and redeem during checkouts to get additional discounts.
We're more than happy to take requests, especially as we expand into the future. If the product you're after is not on our site, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know of any awesome brands we should be stocking.
You can pay cash on delivery or with your credit/ debit card credit card through online. We accept the following cards: Visa, Master, American Express & Apple Pay. We also accept PayPal, u can select the option during checkout.
Please click on 'forgot password' and follow the instructions sent to your email address to reset your password. If you face any further issues, please contact us on [email protected]
Once your order has been placed, our shipping agent will start planning a delivery time for you. They will call you to arrange a time that is convenient to you. We will consider any special requests such as particular delivery times. You can also track your order status on our web site, “TRACK YOUR ORDER” page using the order number.
You can specify a delivery time; however, our delivery team will confirm if they can deliver your order at the time requested. Delivery times are planned based on location and the fastest route to ensure a speedy delivery to all customers.
Please call 050-297-4489 and speak to our customer care team. They are available between 9am - 8pm every day. Please have your order number ready before you place the call.
Yes, you can. Please specify this when placing your order in the CUSTOMER NOTE section and please be sure to include their name and phone number so that we can call them as well. Cash payments can be left with them.
No, we only have door to door delivery service at the moment.
Please call 050-297 4489 and speak to our customer service team. You can also email them at [email protected]. We will take your details and arrange for an immediate replacement.
If you wish to return a product, please contact us at [email protected]. All returns or exchanges should be completed within 7 days and with an invoice. Refer our return & exchange page
Unfortunately, we do not offer sample bags. If you're not sure if your pet will take to a new food, we suggest trying a smaller bag of food at first to determine what your pet prefers.
You can also check out our vet-approved guide to transitioning your pet to a new food for more handy tips
Postpay is a payment solution that allows you to split your purchase amount into instalments with absolutely zero interest and no fees!
Select Postpay on checkout and your total purchase will be split into [X] equal instalments. The first instalment is processed immediately and we deliver your order as normal, so you can enjoy now and pay later.
The remaining instalments are collected automatically on your debit/credit card thereafter. Absolutely no interest and zero fees are charged as-long-as all repayments are processed successfully on time.
To use Postpay, you must be over 18 years old and have a valid [Emirates and/or Saudi] ID Card and [UAE/KSA] mobile number
Select Postpay on checkout and they sign you instantlyy as you checkout!
With [Retailer] you can Postpay up to [Max Limiter].
There is absolutely no interest and zero fees when using Postpay.
Postpay does their best to give you the benefit of the doubt and they will process the payment at the latest hour on the agreed date. However, if Postpay cannot process the payment due to insufficient funds then late fees will apply as indicated in their terms (https://postpay.io/terms)
Postpay accepts all major debit and credit cards (i.e. Mastercard, Visa). Please note that Postpay does not accept any prepaid cards.
Postpay performs a soft credit check to understand the repayment capability of each customer, this in turn has no impact on your credit rating.
If you do find yourself in this situation then please reach out to Postpay support team and one of their dedicated responsible spending advisors will look into the options they have available.
In short, yes of course! As-long-as the total amount on checkout does not exceed the limit.
We call this a partial refund. Once you return the items we will issue you a partial payment refund and Postpay will automatically update the instalment plan by deducting the refunded amount from the last instalment in reverse. If the refund amount exceeds the total due, then Postpay will refund you the outstanding balance to the payment method linked to that instalment. Otherwise, your upcoming payments will continue to be collected until the remaining balance is paid off. You can see all relevant details (per instalment) on the customer dashboard (https://dashboard.postpay.io/) in the purchases section.
We call this a full refund. Once you return the items we will issue you a full payment refund and Postpay will refund you all the instalments you have already paid and cancel all upcoming payments. You can see all relevant details of full refunds on the customer dashboard (https://dashboard.postpay.io/) in the purchases section in the canceled tab.
During the approval process Postpay performs authorizations on the debit/credit card you have entered. Some banks reflect this pre-authorization as a notification but please note that this amount is not captured. If you have any doubts please contact our support team ([email protected])
Your security is of utmost importance - Postpay is a PCI DSS compliant company which means that they undergo strict compliance tests from the the Payment Card Industry (PCI) to ensure that your data is safely stored in our systems. Please visit Postpay's PCI DSS page (https://postpay.io/pci-dss) to learn more.
Postpay aims to provide the maximum of eligible customers their service, that being mentioned they do perform real-time credit risk assessments and fraud checks throughout the process. If you are not approved, then there a few things to consider:
- Do you have sufficient funds to pay for the first immediate instalment?
- How many ongoing instalments do you have with Postpay?
My Malinois has a very light stomach but this kibble, combined with cooked chicken and rice seems to work well. He's healthy and a good weight and seems to enjoy eating it(!)